Parenting Support & Education in Newmarket

massage therapy

What exactly is parenting support & education?

As much as we wish they did, kids aren’t born with instruction manuals. Trying to figure out the nuances of parenting in this digital age can feel very overwhelming. We were never meant to parent in isolation, hence the need for a village! (And now, parenting consultants!)

To assist you in navigating these phases, it’s crucial to grasp social and emotional development, along with age-appropriate expectations. This knowledge empowers you to parent with self-assurance and closeness.

Each stage of a child’s growth comes with its own new and different challenges. Part of supporting you with figuring out how to navigate those stages is helping you understand social emotional development and age-appropriate expectations so you can parent successfully and with confidence.

Whether you’re lying awake at night wondering how you could have handled a situation differently, thinking about how you can raise a successful human, or are just grappling with the daily trials of parenthood, a seasoned parenting educator is there to support you in supporting your little one.

Tara’s extensive background, which includes over two decades of experience working with children and families, allows her a unique perspective on supporting parents, which validates your needs and concerns, while also building important life skills for your children.

To book with Tara, please contact her directly at

Commonly Asked Questions About Parenting Support & Education

To book with Tara, you may either email her at or contact her through her website at 

Tara works with parents to help them with the following:

  • Navigate and understand child behaviour
  • Learn ways to support big feelings
  • Use kindness for discipline
  • Implement tools and strategies that foster confidence and connection
  • Develop plans for transitions & change (daycare/school/camp)
  • Talk so children will listen
  • Build tools for emotional regulation (learn how to lose your cool less and teach children how to navigate their feelings)
  • Build effective boundaries (tech, friendships, parent-child relationships, etc.)

As parents, we often find ourselves wondering if we’re doing the right thing.  Are we setting the right boundaries, should we say no, how to navigate big feelings, etc.  Tara can help you come up with a plan that works for your family’s unique situation to help you get through the rough patches and set the stage for continued success.

Tara helps support families through the good and the bad times, including all of the following (and more):

  • Tantrums, definance, talking back, ignoring
  • Hitting/biting
  • Emotional regulation, socio-emotional development
  • Children and parental mental well-being
  • Everyday challenges and school readiness
  • Introversion/Extroversion, body space awareness, consent & body autonomy
  • Perfectionism
  • Parents who yell and who lose their cool
  • Bedtime pushback
  • Tech/screen limits and boundaries
  • Sibling dynamics (including introducing a new sibling), peer relationships
  • …and more

At this time, Tara’s services are not covered by insurance.

Mom of 18 month and recently turned 5 year old:

Tara is an educator and parenting professional that I have been working with. She and her insights have helped us tremendously in building resilience and social skills for our older one. [If I am speaking with a friend, they likely already know what temperament my child has therefore I don’t really need to explain what those ‘skills’ are.]
Tara’s approach highly resonates with us as it prioritize building solid foundations for teaching social emotional intelligence. Within a couple of months, I was able to cement such groundwork in my family by teaching my children (and even my husband) to sit with their uncomfortable feelings by deploying language of kindness and management tools.

Mom of infant, 3 & 6 year olds:

We first connected with Tara nearly 2 years ago/“mid COVID”. Our 4 year old was just navigating the start of JK and demonstrating behaviours we couldn’t understand and we felt a bit helpless when trying to support him. Tara was recommended by a friend of a friend and we haven’t looked back since. She has helped us navigate school transitions, new siblings, schedule changes, major life events and more.

I often struggle to describe who she is when I talk to friends and recommend her resources or membership… because she’s so many things; a mom, a researcher, an educator and a former preschool owner and teacher. She has helped us understand why our kids feel and act the ways they do, problem solve difficulties or challenges and establish boundaries. She’s saved me from so many “Google rabbit holes” listening to what we’re going through or preparing for and helping us understand where the behaviour may have come from and to set up next steps to work together as a family. She’s honest and realistic, she recognizes life doesn’t necessarily allow for rigid observation of “one (parenting or teaching) method” but stays on top of research and braids it together in suggestions or advice that is approachable. Above all, everything is grounded by the importance of “kindness” which is a foundation that is very important to us yet I don’t think we could have established it the same way without her.

Mom of 4 year old:

Tara is supportive, informative – she comes with lots of knowledge on many topics. She gives a fresh perspective on everyday situations. She’s great at brainstorming solutions with you. She is child centred but real-life realistic, and she understands both the parenting struggling and the child’s point of view. Tara is great at breakin complex concepts down into a framework that parents can relate to, and she always has multiple solutions to every problem.  Highly recommend!

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Complementary Services

Our Registered Massage Therapists are specialists in fertility, pregnancy, postpartum and pediatric issues. Reduce physical and emotional stress levels, and alleviate sore muscles and anxiety.
Pelvic health physiotherapy can help with pelvic discomfort, bladder control issues, abdominal and/or back pain, and pain or discomfort during sex. We recommend that every Oona patient see the pelvic floor physio during pregnancy and after birth. It’s never too late to start.
Pediatric and adult chiropractic services by our expert practitioners. Regardless of where you are in your journey, we’ll gently address your aches and pains, and reduce any discomfort you may be experiencing.