Fertility Services

Pregnant couple looking at crib

In vitro fertilization alternatives at Oona Care.

When we were kids, we were all warned about how easy it was to get pregnant. We were assured (and warned!) that it could happen at any moment. But perhaps, now that you want to have a child, you may be finding that it isn’t so easy.

Whether you are having trouble getting pregnant, staying pregnant, or simply want to get your body ready for pregnancy, we can help. Fertility treatments offered at Oona’s Toronto and Newmarket locations are complementary to In Vitro Fertilization and other fertility treatments, and support your whole self: mental, physical, and emotional

Fertility Alternatives and Services in Toronto and Newmarket

Balance your hormones, enhance your fertility, naturally decrease stress, and get ready for your upcoming journey into motherhood.


Acupuncture for Fertility

Fertility acupuncture is a relaxing, non-invasive option for people to get pregnant It has been shown to improve fertility, increase conception, and potentially decrease miscarriage rates.


Naturopathic Medicine for Fertility

Naturopathic medicine for fertility can treat PCOS, endometriosis, hormonal imbalances, and unexplained infertility. It can also promote ovulation, improve endometrial lining, and egg quality.

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Fertility Nutrition program

Which foods you eat can have a major impact on your fertility and egg quality. Overcome bad food habits, decrease cravings, and prepare your body for an optimal pregnancy with the right nutrition.

Mental Health Support for Fertility

Trying to get pregnant can really test our resilience and mental fortitude. Oona's experienced mental health professionals are here to help you face those unique challenges and can help you find peace and perspective.

Massage Therapy for Fertility

Registered Massage Therapy can increase circulation, address fertility issues such as hormone imbalances, reduce stress levels, and ease the emotional stress of trying to get pregnant.

Illustration of parent cradling baby in baby carrier

Direct insurance billing

Oona works with insurance companies to do online billing for treatments, whenever possible. Simply ask if your insurance company is compliant when you book your appointment.

Grandparent cradling child on their lap

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