Pediatric Occupational Therapy:
Sensory and Self-Regulation Assessment & Individualized Plan

2-Appointment Occupational Therapy package with detailed report and plan
This 2-appointment package is for those families that are concerned about or have questions about how their child’s sensory processing is impacting their self-regulation, emotional regulation and other daily activities.
Examples of questions or concerns may be a child/ family that is having difficulty with managing the demands of day to day things like:
- morning or bedtime routines
disrupted sleep - mealtime expectations (staying at the table, eating with family, etc.),
- withholding or anxiety related to toileting
- stress or discomfort related to bathing or dressing
- challenges with social relationships or group activities with friends or family.
This comprehensive assessment package includes 2 appointments, including a detailed, individualized plan for your child
Visit 1:
60-90 minute occupational therapy assessment either in our office or in your home (please contact us to book a home visit)
Visit 2:
45-minute consult with the parent (phone, video or in-person) to review results, child’s sensory profile, resources and recommendations.
Based on the assessment, a report is provided at the second appointment. This report will include individualized recommendations for you and your child, including resources and referrals as appropriate.
Complementary Paediatric Occupational Therapy Packages

Starting Solids Consultation
This appointment is suitable for those who are well underway with eating solids but continue to have questions or concerns about how your little one is managing or progressing.

Picky Eater Assessment
This 2-appointment package and full report is for those families that have children that are particularly picky eaters. Kiddos who have a very limited palate, who are overall very picky, and who are generally hard to feed.

Fine Motor Assessment
This appointment is for those families that have questions or concerns about how their child is progressing with fine motor skills and activities.

School Readiness Assessment
This appointment package is suitable for those with kiddos who are just getting ready to go to school for the first time, or who have had kiddos in school for some time now but find that they need a bit more help.

Infant & Early Development Check
In this appointment, the Occupational Therapist will assess your baby’s development, looking at physical, cognitive, social-emotional status, adaptive behaviour and functional language skills for age-expected development.

Feeding Success
This appointment is suitable for those who are well underway with eating solids but continue to have questions or concerns about how your little one is managing or progressing.
Cancellation and Late Policies

Direct insurance billing
Oona works with insurance companies to do online billing for treatments, whenever possible. Simply ask if your insurance company is compliant when you book your appointment.