Dolphin Neurostim Scar Treatment

Helping your c-section scar feel, function, and look better.
If you’ve had a cesarean section, or really any surgery, you would know that your scar could be a bit of an issue afterward. We’re not just talking aesthetically; while most of us can get used to the appearance of a scar over time since they do tend to fade, and thankfully a c-section scar is usually well hidden under your undergarments or a bikini. However, the reality is that the scar can cause some functional limitations and changes which may not be ideal.
Dolphin Neurostim treatment uses microcurrent to change the polarity of your scar, to help it feel, function and feel better.
Dolphin Neurostim in Toronto & Newmarket

Dolphin Neurostim can be used on c-section scars, and any other scar you have.
It’s important to remember that scars don’t just sit on the surface of the skin. In order to deliver a baby surgically, the incision has to go through several layers of skin, muscle, and fascia, which means that the scar is truly 3D.
Some of the common changes we see in the scar and the tisue around the scar after c-section can include:
- “Tethering” – where the skin pulls more on one side than the other
- Numbness around the incision site
- Scar itchiness and pain
- Functional issues – this can affect your core strength and limit your range of motion.
Dolphin Neurostim can help your scar heal better.

C-section scars go deep into the tissue and can cause functional changes.
Because c-sections involve cutting through several layers of skin, fascia and muscle, the scar is truly 3-D. This means that when it heals, it can cause functional changes not only on the surface, but also in the way that your muscles function.
The mechanism of action of the Dolphin Neurostim relates to changes in polarity. Prior to injury or scar formation, skin is negatively polarized. Trauma and scar formation causes the skin to become positively polarized. While doesn’t seem like a big deal, it actually is – the positive polarity reduces cellular communication throughout your sympathetic nervous system.
The Dolphin Neurostim reverses scar polarity back to being negatively polarized, allowing for improved cell communication, fascial release, improved circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Some of the outcomes that we have observed include improved blood supply, reduced pigmentation, reduced thickness, reduced altered senstaion, pain relief, and increased scar mobility. This means less discomfort for the client, and the ability to better recover and an improvement in functional limitations.
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Direct insurance billing
Oona works with insurance companies to do online billing for treatments, whenever possible. Simply ask if your insurance company is compliant when you book your appointment.