How to use the Haakaa Pump to express milk and clear blocked ducts

Text Transcription Hello, West End parents. My name is Taya Griffin, and I’m an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I teach the prenatal breastfeeding classes at Oona, and I also see many moms at home. I’m here to talk to you a little bit about silicone pumps. I have here in particular, the Haakaa pump,…

Postpartum period changes

Ask an Expert: Why did my period change after having a baby? After a pregnancy, it can take several months or even a year in the case of breastfeeding moms to have their cycle resume. But what about if your cycle isn’t as it used to be?  In this article, Dr. Erica Nikiforuk, Naturopathic Doctor,…

Starting Solids – A Few Tips To Get Your Baby Started With Eating Solids

Food before 1 is just for fun! There is a saying among those of us who work with young children and feeding that “food before 1 is just for fun.”  Although this isn’t 100% accurate (more on that below), we know that kids are working on lots of important skills like fine motor, oral motor,…

How to store breast milk properly.

Text Transcription Hi everyone, I just wanted to come on and talk a little bit about milk storage. There’s a lot of confusion, a lot of mixed information out there on the internet. So I thought I would clarify some of that for all of you. So when it comes to milk, putting it in…

Postpartum recovery – The Coregeous Ball

Text Transcription Hi, everybody. My name is Alison Ribeiro and I am one of the pelvic health physiotherapists at Oona  in the Newmarket location. And I am coming to you today to educate you a little bit about one of the products that we carry called the coregeous ball. Now, the coregeous ball here is…

When to see a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Postpartum?

Text transcription – Hello, everyone. My name is Alison Ribeiro, and I am one of the pelvic health physiotherapists at Oona in the Newmarket location, and I am here to answer a question that we received from our Ask An Expert Campaign. So the question was, “How long after giving birth should I attend a…

Can I become pregnant if I’m breastfeeding?

Woman breastfeeding baby

Ask an Expert! Being 13 months postpartum, having not had the return of my period, and currently breastfeeding, what are the chances of becoming pregnant?  Also, if I were to become pregnant & still breastfeeding, what is the healthiest way to ensure both pregnancy and breastfeeding baby both get the proper nutrients to be healthy?…

Is Your Baby Getting Enough Nutrients?

Ask an Expert: How do you know if a baby is having enough nutrients with solids and breastfeeding? (10 month old) At 10 months old, your baby’s diet should be made up of 3 balanced meals, 2 snacks and supplemented with breastmilk or formula. At this age, most babies are interested in food and eating,…

At what age does it become safe to bed-share with my baby?

What is Bed Sharing? Bed-Share or bed sharing is when an infant, toddler, or child shares the sleep surface with a parent or caregiver. Is it safe to bed-share? Though many cultures around the world participate in regular bed-sharing practice, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), from a safety perspective it is not…

How to make tummy time easier for your baby

Hi, my name is Kathryn Sammut and I’m the pediatric physiotherapist here at Oona in the Newmarket and I just wanted to give you a few techniques today to help make tummy time a little easier for your little one. We know that many struggle with it. So the first thing, is that movement is purposeful….

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