Understanding Baby & Toddler Sleep Regressions

Everybody talks about them those dreaded moments when your baby goes from sleeping like a total champ to being up all night long. Those tried and true techniques that you’ve mastered for settling your little one back into dreamland just stop working,
Sleep regressions, depending on who you talk to, can happen a lot throughout your baby’s development. 4 months, 8 months, 12 months, 18 months, 2 years. It goes on and on and they’re often chalked up to being an inevitable part of your baby’s development.  That you just kind of have to grin and bear and forego all sleep until it passes.
Well, what if I told you that not all sleep regressions are created equal. That by understanding why they happen in
the first place and modifying your approach to meet your little one where they are at can actually result in less resistance, fewer wakings, and a faster return to your normal sleep groove.
In this workshop, we will explore what I like to call sleep progressions. When they happen, why they happen, and how
you can ease your little one through. We will talk about the importance of aligning your baby’s internal and external systems to prime the body for the most restorative sleep possible. How you can tweak your messaging to help replace vulnerability in the sleep space with confidence and security so that when they hit you feel prepared to positively and gently guide your little one through so you can all get back on track.

Learn about toddler and baby sleep regressions with Infant & Child Sleep Expert, Dr. Denise Gassner

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