3 exercises to help with your baby’s latch

3 exercises to help with your baby’s latch | Oona Wellness Group

Hi, I’m Dr. Alima, and I’m going to be showing you three exercises that can help with your baby’s latch. In order to demonstrate the exercises I’ve gotten, my son, who is obviously not an infant anymore, but he’s my baby, he’s going to help us today. The first exercise we’re going to be doing…

Fetal Development: The First Trimester

Fetal Development | The First Trimester | Oona Wellness Group

Congratulations on your pregnancy! In the months ahead, you’ll likely wonder about how your little one is growing and changing. When will you feel that first flutter? How big is your baby now? Fetal development follows an amazing, predictable journey. Here’s what happens during each week of the first trimester. Weeks 1-2: Preparing for Pregnancy…

Sunscreen safety— choosing the right sunscreen for your family

choosing the right sunscreen for your family

With summer well under way, it’s likely that you’ve been enjoying family barbecues, splash pads with the kids and getting into all sorts of fun under the sun. And while you may be slathering on sunscreen as often as you remember, depending on the sunscreen that you are using, it’s possible that you may be…

5 Myths About Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Myth: I only need to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist AFTER I’ve had my baby Fact: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy (PFPT) is useful before, during, and after pregnancy. During your pregnancy, PFPT can really help with relieving pelvic pain (such as groin pain, low back pain, hip pain, etc), and can address any issues with incontinence or…

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