Infant and Child Development – What Should I Know?

When we look at overall developmental patterns for little ones, it is so important to ensure that parents have a realistic expectation of what their child should be working on at each stage.  It is so easy to get caught in the trap of comparing our children to others – you know how it goes. …

Family Games That We’ve loved

Family games that we’ve loved!

We are big game fans in our house.  One of our favourite things to do is have games nights – this can be with friends and extended family, or just within our own household.  It’s rare that a day goes by that we don’t play some kind of game together.   I’m not afraid to admit…

Understanding Acupressure Points for Labour and Birth

acupressure points for labour and birth

What is Acupressure? Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, except instead of using needles, acupressure uses physical pressure to be applied to points that run along your body’s meridian system, also known as the body’s energy pathway.  Acupressure can be used during labour and delivery to help manage pain, calm the mind, and improve efficiency of…

Tongue Tie Stretches After a Tongue Tie Procedure

Tongue Tie Stretches | Tongue Tie procedure | Oona Pediatric chiro Dr. Katie Roy

– Hi, I’m Dr. Katie Roy. I’m here today to talk to you about the common tongue stretches that would be utilized following a tongue tie procedure. These stretches can be done whether you’ve had the procedure done by a pediatrician who uses scissors or a pediatric dentist who’s done cold laser. All of these…

Picky Eating in Children: Causes, Affects, & Tips for Dealing With Picky Eaters

Expert Tips for Parents on How to Deal With Picky Eaters

As an OT (and a mom!) I get a lot of questions about children’s eating habits and parents worrying about their child being or becoming a picky eater. This is a common struggle, and most kids go through short stages where they refuse previously enjoyed foods or just don’t seem interested in food. These often…

What Birth Doulas Do

What is a doula and what do they do for your baby's birth

Many of us have heard of the term doula but have no idea what they are or what kind of care they provide, and when. While exploring options for your pregnancy and birth, you may be feeling lost wondering things like “Do I need a doula?”, “Will a doula support me if I want an…

Oona’s 2022 Holiday Gift Guide

Oona's holiday gift guide

With the Holidays fast approaching, we’ve put together 10 of our favourite products for parents-to-be, new parents and babies. All of these products are Oona favourites, and are available for purchase at our Toronto studio.  We invite you to visit our retail section right inside our clinics in Toronto and Newmarket.   Gifts for Parents-to-Be and…

How to Use a Peanut Ball During Labour

Hello, my name is Vera Kevic and I am a birth and postpartum doula and a childbirth educator with Oona here in Toronto. A doula is a non-medical support person who attends people during their pregnancy, during their labour and their birth, and in the immediate period known as the postpartum time as new parents…

What is Sleep Consulting and Can it Help You?

Sleep Support | Sleep Consultant | Oona Wellness Group

Babies are soooo cute, aren’t they? Even cuter when they’re sleeping. But when they’re not sleeping, and sleep deprivation starts to set in, postnatal parenting can feel really HARD. On those nights (or days) when your little one has been waking up early, or hardly sleeping, have you ever wondered if there was someone who could…

How to Soothe a Crying or Fussy Baby

how to soothe a crying baby | Oona Wellness

The cry of an infant is at times heart-wrenching and at times nerve-shattering. As babies and parents get to know one another, parents become increasingly able to distinguish between their baby’s different cries, soon learning what constitutes a cry of hunger or a cry of fatigue. At times, however, parents may have difficulty decoding their…

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