Motherhood, is often thought of as a joyful time – an idea that society reinforces. Yet, transitions in motherhood can become an experience of unexpected uncomfortable emotions and decisions. From birthing plans to career decisions, motherhood is about change, brining with it uncertainty and overwhelm at times.
If you are pregnant, have had your first baby or have multiple older children, this workshop will provide an opportunity for you to explore and reflect on the many transitions of motherhood you’re experiencing, while celebrating the joys. Exploring change through art therapy can be a powerful tool that strengthens concepts of the inner self, providing insights towards enhancing resilience, resolution and empowerment for Mothers.
With many workshops planned, you can attend as many as you like or just one; we’ll explore common topics that can arise for Mothers.
What to expect
- Participants will experience creating their own spontaneous creations of colour and form through a variety of process oriented activities; (yes! we all have an artist within)
- Discover their personal meaning through a reflective practice of writing and processing;
- Experience group sharing with no requirement to share
What you will need for the workshop
- A blank sheet of paper
- Supply of your preferred visual art supplies such as: oil pastels, chalk pastels, pencils, coloured pencils, markers.
- A quiet space where you won’t be interrupted